this is my second post
an uncrafty post
if you are looking for my card
please scroll down
sure is hectic lately
I know you are all saying
I wish I had more time to sit back
to reflect
I wish I had that inner drive,
that voice inside me
that cheers me on...
the one that says
I am good
My head is sure screamin lately
but it ain't good things.
I have just been so busy
I have not had any time to just play with the boys
I have been too busy yellin at them
brush your teeth,
don't talk back
tidy up this mess
I woke up with a nasty eye problem
went to the ER to have it looked at
cornea is ok but I look a mess
funny how they say the eye is the window to the soul
my eye is like a massacre
for all to see & man it is uuuugaaaly!!!
I have just not felt myself in the last bit
hockey dramas kinda soaked up my happy
been spendin time on life stuff
stuff I can not change
people I can not change
but I "know" you all understand
thank you so much to those girls across the miles that have been wondering bout me
funny how someone a million miles away
who has never met you irl
can know that things aren't as they should be
anyways off to the lake for some family time
starting tomorrow I will just be
for an entire week!
I hope to come back with my worries at bay
my inner voice rekindled & loud
my heart full & happy
I hope while I am gone
you all will find the exact same things
for yourselves
take care of you & yours
c u in a week
14 hours ago