Monday, January 12, 2009


When I think back I have many awesome memories skating at Morse Place Community Club with KareBear. I definitely want the boys to have that skill, to have a sport that helps teach them so many valuable lessons.

Since Doug played hockey for so long, he experienced first hand the value of sport on a teenager. We want our boys to have somethin besides video games, and all the way worse things teens are exposed to, in their lives.

They started skating 3 years ago and I am very proud of how far they have come. Practice & never give up...I hope lessons they will carry with them forever.

Thanks for lookin!!!

Any questions feel free to ask :)

see ya soon


  1. A wonderful experience for them and I'm sure what they learn will be with forever. :)
    Love your layout, the tag is cool.

  2. That is a fabulous LO Nessa!! Very professional looking!I love how you put the clock up at the top!! Great work!


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love