Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Zack's Graduation

Last year Zack graduated from the most awesome preschool.

Flip up the tags for hidden journaling

Teacher Liz was the absolute best thing for Zack...she helped him (well us) through the transition to school and really taught him and made everything so much easier...we still miss her!

I am scrappin all those pics I just stuffed into my they may not be THE greatest pages but they are pictures & a time I want to commemorate.

So thanks for lookin

see ya soon V


  1. Fabulous job Nessa!! I LOVE the bottle caps!! Tooo fabulous!! and you know I LOVE the Timmy tags...although I would have liked them distressed inked LOL! JK! Great work girl!!

  2. Awesome layout ... love all the hidden journaling and what a great memory to capture .... it's wonderful. :)


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love