Monday, February 9, 2009

Gimmie 5 Zack

My baby turned 5 last summer

ya...five...crazy but true

so I had these pics but just didn't know how to scrap them

in the end I used my new cricut cart Graphically Speaking

this is a closeup of five fun Zack facts :)

and this is the final layout

I love how the background brings out his eyes

look at that sweet boy of mine

man time sure goes by quick


thanks for checkin out my blog
see ya soon


  1. Very cool ... love it. Great colors too.

  2. Love it! YOu made all the black 5's with your cricut? I need to learn to use that darn thing more! lol...awesome work chickie!

  3. yep I did Lisa
    and yes you should use yours :)
    come over I'll show you how :) hehe

  4. oh my .. I think this is one of my most fav Lo's you have done .. awesome work gf :-)


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love