Saturday, February 7, 2009

party pontoon (2nd post for today)

Well we visited Wade & Lucy one weekend last summer

it was awesome

the kids went tubing

they shared watermelon & drinks

peed off the boat

yep can it get better?

Zack said "it can get better...if I can drive"

so Wade let him drive the boat...he was so flippin proud!

Nicholas enjoyed tubing way more than Zack

we were all stunned by that...look at him so stoked

Nick had an absolute fast & fabulous time on that water!


  1. love the photo layout on these pages. very cute

  2. more great LO's .. your sure RAWK'ing them ok :-)

  3. Sounds like it was a blast ... can't get any better than riding a boat and peeing off the side .. LOL

    Fab layouts too. :)


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love