Sunday, February 15, 2009

WE {heart} CANADA

We are Canadian through & through

and we sure love our Canada Day Celebrations!

Lac DuBonnet puts on one of Manitoba's best fireworks displays and a perrty cool parade too!

we are Smitten with our Canada...strong & free :)

thanks for stoppin by!


  1. Very, very cool! I have a hat like that too. Right on, eh?

    Peace ~

  2. Looking good V!! Love the last couple LO's!! The hat is priceless! :)

  3. That's a great lookin' layout... very Canadian... I've been to (and watched) so many hockey games, I know your national anthem... O Canada, our home and native land... LOL! (thank God you can't hear me singing it!)

  4. nice hat vaness. i dunno how you come up with the ideas with your page, but it's awesome.'re crazy to be up so early. i totally slept in today. have i ever told you your kids are so photo perfect. =D

  5. Thanks for the sweet comment you left on my blog about my little one. It's been a rough week, but it's getting better slowly but surely.

    It looks like you've been crazy busy scrapping away! I wish I had half the mojo and energy you do. I'd sure get a lot more things done!


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love