Sunday, March 29, 2009

{amazing, happy} YOU & you are awesome {crazy, FUN}

Hey girls!
sorry I have not, work & more work.
It has been so busy where I work
we have finally hired some new nurses
hopefully we can breath now (pppffff)

Back to scrappiness :)

more pics of the boys in the pool

a couple weekends ago in the States

used my swiss cheese EK punch

that to me looks like bubbles :)

took advantage of the "leftovers"

and used the punchouts as more bubbles

with some sparkly bling :)

thanks for lookin

see ya soon


  1. Hey lady glad they have some more people to help at work...its tough being understaffed for sure...I love the new double page layout btw what did you use for the sparkles ?..

  2. what a fun layout ... love it. I love that punch, very cool and love the glitter you added. Fabulous pictures too. :)

    Glad you are getting some help at work, at leat I hope it's a help.

  3. thanks girls!
    yep as soon as we teach the newbies we will be able to do stuff like take holidays! I know everyone understands work shortages :( they suck!

    I sprayed the paper with spray glue & then just applied the glitter! TFL ladies :)

  4. That looks really good V. I love the border of bubbles. A perfect way to showcase your boys having a blast! Great shots as always.

  5. Awesome LO :-)

    Love the boarder punch .. a Martha punch?

    Happy to hear you are getting new staff .. I am where you were now .. the never ending cycle of staff turnover ..

  6. Great work V!! Love the way you put the punch to work!


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love