Monday, March 9, 2009

christmas concerts

you know EVERY mom has these kinda pics

one's you wanna scrap, that tell your story

but they have other kids/people in it

so that leads me to these pics of the boys singing at their Christmas concerts

these layouts are not me

but they are scrapped & in my book & tell the story I wanted

so I am happy for that (right K? :)))

off to bed as I work tomorrow
I am tired


  1. Love how you used the vellum ... great idea. :) Fabulous LO. I agree, christmas concert pictures are always hard to scrap. You did a awesome job with yours.

  2. I have very similar photos. I haven't scraped them yet. They are not the greatest photos but I agree with you the story should be told. Have a great day.

  3. They are not your typical style/color but they are great girl! :)

    P.S. I wanted you to know I left you a comment on your watermark post.... :) hope it helps! love yah!


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love