Friday, April 17, 2009

catch a butterfly...some more sugar

such a pretty stamp!

yes I got six more stamps in the mailbox this morning!!!

LOVE them!

This is one of my favs

just lends itself to flowers, pink, giggles & swirls :)

thanks for droppin by
eta...when I was lookin back at this post I realized that the frame within my back door has "framed" the card...totally unintentional...but I like it :) funny, odd, little "coincidinkies" in them...I also realized that the bottom is hidden by the pink "set" flower...LOL...oh well


  1. Beautiful ... at first glance, it looks like it is framed. which would be nice too, :)
    Enjoy your new stamps, looking forward to seeing more.

    Thanks for the title ideas ... cool. :)

  2. super cute and hey .. enjoy your new stamps :-) you deserve them :-)

  3. looks like you may need to frame a few..hmmm....great work as always...

  4. hey girls!
    Cindy...did you title the lo?
    Tammy...awwweee thanks I do deserve the :)
    Trish...I was thinkin about framin some...they would make an awesome grouping of art in a little girls room :) sweet girl...hugs back at you!

  5. I totally thought it was a framed piece. It would really suit a girl's room perfectly. Love it!!

  6. thanks so much Rhonda!
    how are you?
    hope you are keeping well!

  7. Love it! It's sooo pretty...I love the color combination!

    Is the brown swirls a rub on or a stamp?

  8. rub on...gorgeous hey? bought them about 3 years ago & just never wanted to use them...this is one of my personal favs that I have made actually...thanks girl :)

  9. Such a pretty card. I love anything with butterlies.


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love