Sunday, April 12, 2009

envies :) {note moved rak back to 4/1}

Doug said the other day..."those cards are nice but how do you give them with no envelope?"
I thought about it in bed that nite & came up with these
cut them with my cricut from the same patterned paper that is in the cards
I think they turned out ok
at least now if I wanna give them away I can :)
or as Doug said " Now you can sell them Hon!"
(shakin head) yep that's my hubby...always has my back :)
see you shortly with my next card


  1. great idea Doug had .. they turned out great V :-)

  2. This is the perfect solution...they look great...I am lucky to have a recycle store where I pick up envelopes all the time..but I prefer yours..the envies really complete your fantastic work..tfs

  3. Very cute job! You're DH is so cute with the compliments!

  4. super cute envelopes hun, they look well posh .. Doug may have a point.. my hubby is going on at me to sell mine too.. I may yet.. mmmm.
    hugs rachxx

  5. fabulous idea ...:) yup, you should sell them, you'd have no problem at all, they are gorgeous.


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love