Friday, April 17, 2009

etsy, biggest loser & such

well girls I made a few cards tonite as a private request but was asked not to post as the receiver may see :) so yeah no post pics for tonite :)
I did get a couple private orders which is very awesome :)
I also posted a bunch of new stuff in my etsy store...thanks for all your support girls...had my first sale!!!
I also did my final weigh in for biggest loser h4 and I lost a total of 19.5 lbs :) I am happy with that.
I think that is all that is new, work again tomorrow & then off till next week...have to make some cards for card nite comin up on monday...not much else is new :)
see ya soon


  1. Wow ... private orders already, that is awesome. Congrats on all the sales ... you'll do well. :)
    19.5 lbs ... that's wonderful. WTG.


  2. congrats on your 1st sale and the private orders and the weight loss .. your rawk'n gir

  3. thank you so much you are always so quick to support me...thank you :)

  4. Congrats on the weight loss and your first order. Sounds like life is agreeing with you! It's always nice to hear of good things happening to great people.

  5. Great work on it all!!! Especially on the weight need to take care of you first! Which your doing...which I think RAWKS!


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love