Saturday, April 25, 2009


are awesome!

this one made with my girl Trish in mind :)

I know she loves Penny Black stamps

picked this one up at my scrapstore today

saw it & immediately thought of T&T

you rawk


  1. Awww what a sweet card!!

    I didn't know they sold Penny Black stamps here. I thought they were only available in Europe.
    Goes to show you what I know.

  2. oh yay V ...thanks I feel honoured!! really what a great card! what a great stamp and what a great person you make the bestest cards and this one is no exception...thanks lady! you Rock!!!

  3. Your card is wonderful! Love your colouring and the great design too. Found your blog from Kim and it's great, love your work. Hugs, Chris :)

  4. Wonderful card .... love the stamp too ... :) i love all the detail you put into your cards ... it's awesome.

  5. hey P! yep they do! and listen I have some of those plastic flowers going out in the mail for you :) you rock :)
    thanks Kim...yep I bought it with my girls in mind :)
    wow Chris...come back anytime with that great love :)
    thanks for noticing everything Cindy :)

  6. Oh T, that's very sweet of you thanks girl. You know after seeing all your gorgeous Sugar Nellies I must say that I'm hooked. I looked on their website and I am in love with the Sugar Nellie Gorjuss girls
    I don't know what it is about them. The aritist is amazing Suzanne Woolcot. And the some of the images remind me of myself (minus the skull images). So many of these women from the United Kingdom are supertalented I have visited their blogs and I am in awe and so inspired by their magnificent work. I just want to thank you for introducing me to the. Have a great day with your wonderful family.

  7. super cute card (and now I know what Penny Black means - lol)

  8. hehe I thought you would understand...I love to spend other peoples $$$ for them!

  9. Great card! I am LOVING how you put the swirl stamp on the background and on your image...I'm gonna have to give this a go ;)


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love