Sunday, April 19, 2009


my own etsy shop
Doug (amoung others) have been bugging me for years to sell my stuff...well here is your chance to own a Vanessa original (unless you have already been given one)
I hope that this shop is not a total flop...that'll be embarassing :(
but if I try & it doesn't work out, then I tried, and if it does work out, I can try to support this hobby a little :)
so please help me in spreading the scrappinit!!!
I will be postin a bunch more stuff on the store this week :)
see the right side of my blog for a link too.
thanks for your help!


  1. WOW .... look what happens when I go away for the weekend... LOL

    Congrats girl ... and I know you will do fabulous.

  2. way to go Vanessa, good luck hun..
    boy you have been busy 12 things listed already.. i have to catch up..
    hugs rachxx

  3. LOL Rach!
    you did it so I had to as well!
    thanks for the nudge :) or should I say my hubby thanks you!
    good luck to you too! I do not think your store needs it though :)

  4. OH MY .. I am soooo happy for you!!!!! Your cards are beautiful and I wish you success :-) I'll forward everyone your store addy for sure :-)

    YAY ..

    U RAWK V :-)

  5. T you are my girl :) I totally know you are in my corner :) thanks for havin my back
    U RAWK 2 T

  6. I love your little store! I visit and look everyday!

  7. You have a beautiful store V.
    I wish you every sucess!


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love