Friday, April 10, 2009

so demure :)

another sugar nellie
she is so pretty
so I tried to give her a pretty setting
some Martha butterflies,
some paper flowers &
some elegant lace, pearls &
glimmer mist
thanks for lookin

still have a headache
hardly any sleep last nite
I can't even see straight
never mind think
anyways talk to ya later girls
take care you


  1. V I really like this one ..the colours are perfect and the card is amazing...take care of your head okay...and I saw your name at the sugar bowl ...great work lady!

  2. Gorgeous .... perfect colors and love the flowers.
    sorry to hear you still have a headache.:( feel better soon.

  3. So pretty...I like how you added the white details on her!

  4. She is so beautiful V. Love everything about this sweet card.
    Have a great day and I hope you feel better soon.


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love