Sunday, May 17, 2009

a little somethinsomethin to win


I am going out to the lake tomorrow for the long weekend
so I thought it was the perfect time for some candy
a blog giveaway
a rak :)
all I want you to do is leave me a comment
tell me what you like about my blog
gets you one entry
if you have a blog & link me in it
you get a second entry
if you become a folower that's three :)
three times lucky I say!!!

this giveaway has many of my favorite things in it
for so many of my favorite girls!!!
some copics (6),
a justrite monogram stamper,
3 sugar nellie stamps,
a Penny Black stamp,
a Tim Holtz stamp set,
a Heidi Grace border stamp set,
a boy & girl sandylion stamp set,
a close to my heart stamp set,
an acrylic ink pad,
a premium cardstock stack,
some felt decorative borders,
some pretty paper flowers & blue plastic ones,
some droplets, some rain drops (hearts&flowers),
and lastly but not least, some adhesive pearls & BLING

help me spread the word girls
I would love some more regular visitors to my blog :)
draw will be on my favorite number 22 (of May)
I will post it to anywhere in the world
so good luck ALL my friends!!!
thanks so much


  1. Gees Lois lady!! I just came to see what you were up too? you sure know how to send out the scrappy love don't ya...have fun at the lake...wish I was coming...

  2. Have a great time at the lake V. I hope you get nice weather.
    Of course I love your blog. The thing I love about it the most is that we get to connect with you and your work in some small way.
    I have missed you on the board and this is a nice alternative.
    I love all your work and the the new ideas you come up with.
    I'm following you but I don't have a blog yet. Once I get my life straightened out a bit more I'll attempt it.
    Have a great time this wknd.
    Take care,

  3. Hola V .. what a wonderful giveaway :-)

    I love your blog 'cause it is so you and I love to see all your wonderful work .. you RAWK gf :-)

  4. have I told you lately how much I love you...have I told you lately (I forget the rest of the Rod Stewart song)

    What a give away..holy girl.

    You are my scrapping hero today and you are already a link on my blog and I am a follower..hmm

    Have a great long weekend..God Save the Queen.

  5. Oh Vanessa....what a giveaway!!!! Such fantastic goodies!!!!! Have a great time at the lake!!!!!

  6. Hey Vaness, I love your blog because I get to see the creative, beautiful things that you've been creating and I love you and your boys so I get to see pics and hear about what you've been up to! Have a great time at the lake! I'll be writing a university

  7. Wow Vanessa! That's some yummy looking candy, I'm so glad I found your blog, I have added you to my sidebar @
    have a great time at the lake.

    Hugs Cathy

  8. Holy cow what a great give away!!!I love your site and seeing what your up to. I hope you have a great weekend at the lake.We woke up to at least 1 foot of snow up here in Dauphin. Gotta love that weather!!!


  9. Hi Sis
    I put your contest on the frugal web site hopefully some drop by.
    I love you blog for the music I listen at work and because I keep up with you and yours. I love seeing the pics of my nephews and what new creative idea you've been working on. Be warm and safe at the lake. see ya soon R

  10. love your blog cause you make some ROCKIN cards...and, i love that you come and visit my blog

    (GREAT giveaway!)

  11. gave you a plug on my blog:

  12. and, my 3rd entry....i am now a blog follower of your blog...

    hope you have a great weekend!!!...

  13. Wow girl ... that is one awesome giveaway ... you're such a sweetie.
    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your cards and all your creations ... you are one talented lady. :)
    Hope you have a awesome weekend.

  14. Hi Vanessa! I just found your blog and would love to be entered into your draw. I'm not sure what I love about your blog yet but the cards you make are pretty amazing! The little gift boxes you make are so cute! Keep up the amazing work and have a great long weekend. Thanks =)

  15. What fab candy you got going there.woohoo fingers crossed that i might win as that's my birthday lol.will put link on my side bar.Denise x

  16. G'day Vanessa from Australia. Love your blog and your cards are an inspiration. I have only recently got into making cards, mainly for family and it's so worth it. I have linked you in my Candy Bar..........and........become a follower
    Cheers, Irene :)

  17. Wow I'm loving your blog. Especially the framed images. They are fab.
    I'm definally a follower now and I'll post your link in my blog.
    Lovely candy, def like to win that.

    Sandra xx

  18. WOW! You're really generous with your candy! I love your work, but to mention one thing, I like the way you combine colours in your pieces of art. I'll definitely become a follower and now off to link you in my sidebar!!
    Hugs, SannaS

  19. What I like about your blog? What's NOT to like? I love your coloring work Lately...but it's the LOs of the family and those big smiles of your boys that I come here for! Oh and to see what you're up to since I don't get to hear as much as I once did...but I forgive you because your a busy chickie and so am I!
    I don't have a blog so I don't get the second entry....but I am a follower...have been since we met!
    I know a little girly who would like those animal stamps and I know a big girly who would love the Timmy ones and to get to play with Copics! LOL!
    Take care! Have a blast at the lake...I know you will!

  20. Hey Vanessa, awesome give away!

    I like your blog because it gives me a peek into you and your wonderful family. You're very talented and creative and I'm honoured that you would share that with me.


    It's official you are added to my side bar - and I am now a stalker - I mean follower.

    What do I like about your blog? Well I am new to card making and reading your blog and seeing your work is so inspirational for a beginner like me.

    I have so very much to learn - which I hope to do by following your every post.

    Happy holiday

  22. Wow
    I just stopped by to see how you are doing, girlfriend. Hope the lake was wonderful...was it warm on the weekend? We are as busy as always here, but I have been making cards, lately. Maybe someday I will be as good as are my idol.
    Hugs from

  23. I can't say it enough....the work you do just blows my mind. How you can put things together the way you do..... You are very talented girl. And I truly love coming over to visit, and now craft too. Never thought I would like it, but now I see why you enjoy it so much.
    Later gater...
    Kim Park

  24. Hi Vanessa, what a wonderful blog...the music is wonderful. Cards are great. My favourite are the girls in the frames...they are stunning. Thanks for the chance in your giveaway. I have added a link here

  25. Oops totally forgot to become a follower =) Thanks again!

  26. I love all your incrediable work on your blog
    Thanks for the chance to win such awesome blog candy

  27. Hey girl! Great Candy!!!!

    I thought I was a follower's you how advanced I am! lol

    Your blog...I actually love how you inspire us all. You do so much lovely work it keeps many of us going! :)

    Off to put you on my blog! Three entries....yipee me :)


  28. Hey V!!! Holy great giveaway! That's a huge amount of awesome stuff!
    So, I like your blog because well, you rock :)
    Truth be told, I'm a theif. I steal your ideas. Well, I TRY. They don't tend to look like yours when I'm done... go figure!!
    If I had a blog you'd be on it. And if I can figure out the follower thing, I will. But you know I'm here, even if you don't see me ;)
    Hope you had a great time at the lake!
    Tamara :)

  29. crap girl thems alot of goodies
    how R U?
    have been lurking around but no time to post
    but you know that!
    anyways have a great day
    add me to the list
    I don't have a blog
    my word
    no time for that
    I could never measure up
    so no 2nd entry but I stalk you all the time lol so I get 2
    XO M (megan to the rest of the world)

  30. I'm going with the three times lucky option - comment, link and follow!

    I love your Anya stamps - Im a bit rubbish at stamping straight/even so love to see people who have that talent and the way you colour them. Is it copics?? (I can only afford Whispers at the moment)!


    Esme x

  31. I don't have a blog, V. But I like to drop by once in a while to yours so I can keep an watch over you and your dear family. I watched the boys grow and I need to connect with them. Hope you had a wonderful time at the lake.
    Hugs from Mow180/Robin

  32. Yikes - just reading further on your blog. Darn flu! Sorry it spoiled your holiday, V.

  33. hi! I am wishing to have those fantastic rubberstamps since it is rare to find one in my place (mostly rubberstamps for kids, sigh)..and your great candies really give me hope to be the lucky one.

    gina (

  34. Hi! I love your stamps and your wonderful work...Thank you.

  35. I'm a follower =) Thanks again!

  36. I love stamping, your stamp soooo fantastic!!!! Thank you. I have linked you in my sidebar.
    Welcome to my blog -

  37. Hi Ness.

    I'm not a scrapper but I love looking at your completed pages. You have a great eye for detail and a fabulous use of colour surrounded by your trademark black and whites. Each page or card you make is creative, visually stimulating and i know a tiny piece of your giant size heart is attached somewhere within. Keep up the good work.

    I may not leave comments each time but I do look at your page frequently. Keep on bloggin'!

    Jen Abel

  38. Not sure if this has finished or not but thought it was well worth entering. I will add it to my sidebar although it is late and I have become a follower of your blog.
    Kim xXx

  39. Another entry for becoming a follower and as this is my first visit here it is really easy to say why I like your blog your work is beautiful, I can't believe I have not seen it before.
    Kim xXx

  40. Third comment for placing the link on my sidebar even though it is just a little late. I sure will be back.
    Kim xXx

  41. Hi! it´s my first time to visit your blog, what a lovely cards you have made... And so wonderful candy I´ll link your blog candy to my blog.

  42. Hi Vanessa,

    I became a follower a couple of days or so ago

    Hope you had a lovely time away. I'm from Plymouth UK so will be back to see not only your inspirational work but also to see if you post any photos of the lakes.. Blog hopping is like visiting places in the world I might never get to see for myself.

    Happy Crafting

    Gina x

  43. 2nd entry

    After having a look at your blog.. in depth, I like the way you give a bit of your family in with your craft... love your music choice...

    Reading your family's journey touched me deep x

    I also like the way that you can use one stamp but create so many different looks.

    Gina x

  44. 3rd entry

    I have linked your candy to my blog...

    Thats one of the great things about finding lovely blogs, being able to pass it on..

    Gina x


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love