Wednesday, May 6, 2009

sorry girls

I have not been feelin myself
and although I have been craftin
got about 20 more cards done for the sale
and a few Mom Day cards
I just have not posted
So tonite one of my sisters was over
we visited
we ate chips
we watched tv
and we colored :)
I chose my new Anyas
and did a set of Live, Love. Life frames

hope you likie :)

thanks for droppin by


  1. oh wow ...Pardon me I mean WOW!!!!
    simply gorgeous...V you are so talented honestly..super duper cool chicks in frames...honey get better kay...I'm glad sis came and ate chips and played know I would if I could...hugs to you kay..just wear jammies and snuggly socks that helps me...take care V.

  2. oh my girls thank you so much for your well wishes! I am feelin better because of them!
    thanks for the love on my frames too :)

  3. Oh how sweet are they? Those Anya stamp images are too cute. I really like the way these turn out.
    Very very pretty.

  4. beautiful ... love the colors and love the layers. :) may have to get those stamps .. lol

  5. yep you may!
    or I can always send you some images...totally not as fun but always available :)


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love