Tuesday, May 19, 2009

beauty from a 5 year old!

oh my!!!

this is what my youngest was workin on this morning!!!

what a proud mom I am :)

and he too was so proud of himself

just look at that huge smile!

Nick is still workin on his!


  1. oh look at his smile that is so fantasic btw I love his colouring...I would wear her outfit in a heartbeat..super choic in colours...

  2. awww .. too cute :-) Great job Zack!!

  3. Both are beautiful. :) Fantastic job ... i love it.

  4. Great colouring Zack! Way to go buddy!!

  5. LOL would your face be blue Trish? oh my I lmao when I read this too him he just nodded & said "yep" shakin head...kids are fun hey?
    thanks girls he loved all your comments :)

  6. Zack says "I luv you people" after I read him what you all said again...for the 5th time...oh boy...and he then said "I love all those peoples cards too" lol

  7. lol way to go Zak we luv you too...


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love