Tuesday, June 23, 2009

pay it forward

well I have thought about it

made some angels

would LOVE to see what others make

& how they give them away

so this will go like this

spread the word (if you want)

become a follower (if you want)

leave me a comment

I will draw on my baby's bday

July 8th

you will get my handmade 12 angels

and 12 more "wings" to make

& give away as you see fit

to pay it forward :)

thanks for droppin by


  1. oh my gosh these are beautiful V..seriosly...I'm looking at them and wow...I wouldn't even be able to pick a favourite..honestly you have done it again. V you have a head of gold hair and a heart to match...your spirit shines through always and these are super special V cause each one is a bit of you because you created them...wow...

  2. Oh Wow Nessa! These are just Gorgeous! You've done a bang up job on these angels girl! WTG!

  3. Gorgeous ... all of them. :) You are so crafty and talented and wonderfully generous.

  4. Great idea....beautiful Angels! :)


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love