Sunday, June 14, 2009

Pretty Wicked

back to business

all last week I wanted to do this card

loved the new sketch over at The Sugar Bowl

you have till Wednesday

so go get your sugar on :)))

thanks for comin by

see ya soon


  1. Very cool V. Anything with a Gorjus girl on it is fabulous.

  2. You pretty much said it .. wicked!!! Love what you did with the ribbon and the little skull in her hair is perfect!

  3. Okay this is my most favourite that you have created yet...loooooooooooooove iiiiitttt!!! way to go V! Wicked...

  4. LOL! Great card! Very unique! Thanks for joining the Sugar Bowl challenge and hope to see you in the next one too.

  5. :) hehe thanks girls...T I knew you'd love this one :) thought of you as I was puttin it together


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love