Tuesday, June 2, 2009

some news & a card

well my baby has grown up overnite!

this morning he pulled out his first tooth!!!

Oh my word how fast is life?

I am tryin to cherish each moment

but man oh man this whirlwind life makes it hard

I cannot believe that Zack is finishing Kindergarten

Nick is goin into grade 3

and with every awesome memory we make

so much more time passes

crazy I say...just crazy!!!

My card for today is from my new Greeting Farm stamps...Dahlia Anya :) love her!

thanks for comin by girls

hope you like my card
see ya soon
I work the next few days
hope to get in some crafty time!!!


  1. They sure do grow up fast eh .. Justin will be going into grade 11 in September and will be turning 16 yrs old in September as well .. YIKES!

    Super cute card :-)

  2. They grow soooo fast...your right it's hard to keep up!

    Love the card...is she popped up?

  3. thanks Kim, T & Lisa!!!
    T...16!!! crap man...I remember 16...vaguely...life's too fast!
    Yes Lisa she is popped up...well part of her...her head, hair & top :)

  4. Sigh .... where does the time go .. some days I really wish it would slow down.

    Your card is gorgeous ... i love the stamp. :) I love all the detail and extras you add to your cards .... they are always so beautiful.

  5. Just droppin by to say Hello

    The boys are sure growing up, and the picture of Z with his tooth is priceless. I sat here just smiling right back at them.

    Oh, yeah, and I love your cards, beautiful work, as usual.


  6. Congrats on the tooth Zack!
    Great cards Nessa!

  7. Great no toothy grin Nick...lol...super pics Mom..love the card V...I just got my stamp like that can't wait to make something...you sure made her look darn sweet its giving me a toothache..lol..ttyl


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love