Sunday, July 26, 2009


Whiff of Joy had Donalda's sketch for this past week

just had time to get my sketch on this morning :)

hope you like my take on it

you can look at the sketch here

thanks for comin by

we had an AWESOME family day yesterday, went to Monsters vs Aliens and spent the day at the skateboard was hot in everyway!!!

hope you have had a great weekend too!!!

the background is made from my new paisley spellbinders impressabilities...the jury is still out if I like them...but I think it worked ok for this card

this blue card was made by my 7 year old :) he guilted me into givin him one of my precious stamped images from a friend by saying "you hog all the good stuff mom" and took the image while I was occupied laughin my butt off

check out the display...he set it all up special to take the photo...too funny!!! a boy after his mom's heart I say :)))

see ya soon


  1. Love the monochromatic look. It's so you. Your sons card is super cute.
    WTG buddy you do great work. Keep it up!!

  2. Hey he did you proud mom!! WTG!!
    Your's is nice too Nessa ;)

  3. Great cards Vanessa, love them both. Your son is very good. Louise x

  4. wow Vanessa!
    i love your take on the sketch you have done a wonderful job.
    Love your sons card as well he had done brilliantly. hugs rachxx

  5. loving both cards ... funny how we hog the good stuff eh - lol

  6. LOL ,,, Mom, stop hogging the good stuff ,,, he's good. :) I love his card and his display .. awesome.
    And of course, your card is very cool ... love it.


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love