Saturday, August 15, 2009

Magnolia Monthly Challenge...3D

Well as you can see I 3 d most of my work

I like there to be dimension in what I make

so the other day when I saw this tutorial on Mag

and after I made this card

but there was no where to enter it

today I see they have posted Mr linky

so here is my entry

thanks for lookin :)


  1. wow I love this card so cute with all those yummy cherries...thank you for joining in with the Just Magnolia monthly challenge
    Mina xxx

  2. Lovin the 3d effect! Real cute image and the colors are so pretty! Great work!

  3. Wow, what a gorgeous card!! I love your choice of beautiful papers and wonderful details x

  4. What lovely coloring! This image looks great.


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love