Wednesday, August 12, 2009


just a card
thanks for comin by
a few tidbits of today, in no particular order
I got my camera back :)
I got my plane ticket for etown scrapfest in the mail :)
hydro is diggin up my entire front yard for transformer work :(
I work tomorrow
Zack is doin great at Sylvan, really learnin alot :)
Nick hates to read :(
I ordered a lot of stamps I have been wanting to this week :)
My friends son Cody had his surgery & is doin well :)))
We are havin fresh beans from the garden for supper :) (oh & sloppy joes)
the boys are eachother's bff :))))))))))))))))
life is good
see ya soon


  1. I adore you blog - your work is stunning

  2. Omg she is adorable!!! I'm so jeleous that you get to go to Etown!!!

  3. cute card :-)

    you got your ticket today .. yay .. wont be long now!!

  4. V love this stamp and love what you have done with it ..great choice in sweet.


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love