Sunday, September 27, 2009

anyone 4 Anya

has a great sketch to follow

I moved one section :)

hope you like it & give it a try!
my sons liked it

here is son #1

and son #2 is still workin on his

it's not perfect :) yet

thanks for comin by


nick finished his & set the scene for the photo lol!


  1. Love the colors for your card ... too cute. :)
    Your sons card is fabulous ... I love it. :)

  2. love the cards! Great colours xxx Marley

  3. First off your kids have talent...great work those pirates ARRRGh...did you both enjoy talk like a pirate day? son and I sure did till he said hey mom can we just talk normal
    now V the way you coloured the hat wow ...that is some amazing shading it looks real..super cards all of you...

  4. Great work on a super cute stamp!
    The boys are doing EXCELLENT work!

  5. hi..lovely card or should i say cards, fab work from all of you, the boys must take after you...
    x carol GDT

  6. Brilliant cards Vanessa, by both you and your boys... fabulous jobs... hugs rachxx

  7. You are all so talented - well done all xxx

    I love your take on the sketch and the colours and papers you used are fabulous. And that image is just so sweet. Thank you for joining us at AFA, hugs, Dawny xxx

  8. What a sweet little pirate. Super cute. Zack and Nick you are both very good artist. Wonderful job boys. I love it that you both craft with your mom!

  9. You must have had the best time together with your boys!! Love it! All three cards are fab, nice coloring and great details :)

    Love from AFA!



thanks all for takin time out to leave some love