Wednesday, September 9, 2009

a card for Mrs. W

too funny I get to school to drop the boys off on their first day and Mrs. W comes up to me "I need a 50th birthday card for saturday!!!" lol "oh & how was your summer?"
so I came home & made up this card before I go to pick up the kids for lunch
thanks for looking


  1. oh my Vanessa ... this is soooo gorgeous. I love it.

  2. AMAZING!! Boy you must have ALOTTA stuff ;) I love the clear stuff with the white..what is that?

  3. thanks SO much everyone for your comments!!!
    Lisa it is a transperency frame from Colorbok I got it at Mikes in a 12 pack :) and ya I have some stuff :) I wouldn't say alotta lol

  4. oh my gosh this card is soooo beautiful a total keepsake...

  5. Awesome card! I admit to come sneak around, browse in your beaufitul pics, but this one.. IS stunning beaufiful!


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love