Thursday, September 3, 2009

Greeting Farm Challenges

yep I found a place that spurs my Anya creativity :)

check it out on my sidebar & here

there was a great sketch

check it out girls :)))
here is mine

some tidbits too

I got my fulltime job...starts Sept 21st

my team WON the biGGEST loser

I will get 100 bucks for my efforts :)

I am gettin SO EXCITED for my edmonton trip :)))

my sis had family fun was fun :)

off to the lake tomorrow after Zack's diabetes appointment

Doug's poisen ivy is gone & so is my sunburn

Nick got a new Captain Underpants & is actually readin it :)

we are great...hope you are too


  1. Cool boycard! Love the skull.

    And I liked reading your tidbits ;)

    Nice to have you in our AFA challenge this week!

    Liefs, Renata

  2. OMG your work is amazing chick!! Oh how gorgeous is this card :) I love the image and all the details and you did a fab job with the sketch as well - love it :) Thank you for joining us over at AFA, hugs, Dawny xxx

  3. Totally SICK, dude!!!! I just thought I would channel my 7 year old son there in keeping with you fantastic card he,he, that is SICK in a good way...just so you know,lol!!!!
    Oh I just adore your card what little boy would love to get this amazing card...the details are phenomenal! I love the brads that you used for the wheels on his skateboard...awesome!!!

  4. i totally love this card ... :)

  5. Sound like summer is winding down nicely...full time yikes!...but hey its what we have to do ...I love this card and I love this stamp.


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love