Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Hallow's Eve!!!

I hope you & your trickertreaters had an awesomely fab nite!!!

We did!

Doug took the boys to our close neighbours

and then they sat on the couch & watched all the kids with me!

we had a blast

Nick said "can we sit with you every halloween mom?"

I guess their flu didn't wrech their time :)))

so we are good & were so scared of our

the best was a full out dragon with makeup that was killer

and he couldn't even walk yet!!!

needless to say his parents were excited lol!

here is a pic of our frontroom

and the boys before they went out :)

thanks for droppin by!


  1. Creepy looking goblin and skeleton.
    Great costume.

  2. great pics .. these will make an awesome LO :-)

  3. oh boy scared me..great pictures can not wait to see to layouts of those...the boys look good...your living room is stunning...glad halloween was fun and not ruined by the stoopid flu...


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love