Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Just Mag

the latest challenge over at Just Mag is

bright & zingy :)

I love this sweet mag Edwin with his lizard buddy :)

I think it was the perfect image to use some zoozany paper

so here is my card

thanks for lookin

really been workin hard at my job

so there is not a lot left at the end of the day

after I spend my evening with the boys

but today I thought this would be good therapy

and I do feel better

thanks for droppin by


  1. He looks adorable and I love the background ...awesome..you sound like you need some V time...

  2. He looks adorable and I love the background ...awesome..you sound like you need some V time...

  3. gorgeous! Love the animal print background paper!

  4. adorable ... love the colors. :)
    Glad you feel better.


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love