Thursday, October 29, 2009

query HINI

"crap" is all I can say really
the boys & I spent the nite in ER
and we left with antibiotics & tamiflu for Zack
I have been awake for a steady 3 days with their coughin
and 3 days before that with my own
I am tired but hopeful
I think we are already feelin better
and I am ready for a quick recovery
well wishes to you & yours


  1. oh my gosh do you have the H1n1 or something else..oh boy I wish you all sleep, and better health..sorry V hugs to all of you..

  2. Oh no .. I hope you all are feeling better soon!! Take care of yourselves.

  3. Oh dear Nessa! I'm so sorry to hear that and I hope you ALL feel better very soon!!
    Take care sweetie!


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love