Friday, December 11, 2009

what've been up to

I have been so busy

as I am sure the rest of you are

gettin ready for the holidays

I decorated

the boys & I made some gifts

I shopped



and even got a lot of scrap shoppin in the states

I finished my christmas cards

sent out several gifts to online friends abroad

oh yeah

I worked full time in there

my arch of my right foot fell & I have planter fasciatis


ouwies to my foot & my pocketbook

cost me 580 bucks for an insole

yes you heard correct

no shoe

just the insole


but my feet are feelin better

so whatever

it is VERY cold here

we bought Doug a new truck

it has heated seats

makes us feel like adults :)


hope your xmas stuff is all under control



  1. Missed you girl!!
    The house looks lovely all decked!
    Wishing you and your family a wonderful Merry Christmas!

  2. Great Decorations, Happy Holidays!

  3. Hey V :-)

    Your place looks great ... that pillow on the couch looks so super soft and comfy ...

    Sorry to hear about your foot .. sounds like it hurts but at least they were able to give you something to cope with the pain.

    A new truck .. sweet .. my mom has heated seats in her car and she picked me up one day and had them on (I didn't know she had them) and my ass was getting so hot .. finally I had to say what the heck is wrong .. why is this seat so darn hot - lol ..

    Anyhoo .. happy to hear all is well :-)

  4. Sorry about your foot wow I was on my way to what you got...but the Doctor where I worked suggested I start wearing a bit of heel on my shoe and I'm doing better for now..hugs to you ...
    Now can I say wow!!! your house looks so awesome...I want to come have tea and cookies and sit by the fire with all of you...

    Nice to see a new post ...missed you..


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love