Thursday, January 7, 2010

back atter

well I KNOW I have been away for a LONG time
I have gotten a few "where the heck are you?" emails
oh man

so sorry

I worked till dec 24rth
got home rushed to get to my mom's
santa came
we went to my inlaws the 25th

off to the lake boxing day
we had lots of great times out there
the boys cried for 2 days when we got home
"we miss the lake mom"
did 400 loads of laundry
and went back to work on the 4rth
Zack had outdoor hockey practice & parents were asked to skate
I used my ass as a zamboni 5 times
but oh my word it was SO fun!!!
while we were at the lake we skated on the river
I got a puck in the knee at our hockey game
It was black & blue but scored a few times :)
and shocked the crap outta a few with my skatin skills
It was awesome to be outside with so many of our friends & family
for the last month
we ate continuously
laughed loudly and
enjoyed our time together SO SO MUCH!!!!

I hope your holidays were awesome

I spent a lot of time thinkin
about those lost
about friends gained
about challenges faced
and personal victories
to 2010 my friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I completed my first lo of 2010 tonite
hope you likie :)

thank you for your continued support
I noticed tomorrow is my first year blog anniversary :)
I will have to get together a little candy
check back


  1. Oh YAY ... your back =)

    Glad to hear your xmas was great!!!

    Great LO .. nice start to 2010 :-)

  2. Awesome job! I was going to write you and ask you were the heck you were...was just thinking of it this afternoon! Glad you are back up and blogging!
    Take care sweets...Glad to hear you had an awesome holiday.

  3. Love the new layout, the boys are looking so handsome. Well, really I should call them your young men, as they are really growing up.

    So nice to see you here, I miss you. And thanks for the card, it was so appreciated.

    I pray you and yours have a wonderful New Year.


  4. Great project. I'm so sorry about the loss of your friend in the previous post. Hugs!

  5. Great LO, so fab pics! Hugs,moni

  6. very good job)) I wish I could make the same scrap pages one day... but I am not so talented yet (

  7. hello

    just registered and put on my todo list

    hopefully this is just what im looking for looks like i have a lot to read.


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love