Saturday, January 16, 2010

my friend

Kim has had a hard time with sickness and loss over the holidays

her dog got it's wings & went to heaven :(

but I got word today she is thinkin of gettin a puppy

so as a tribute to her old best friend

and a celebration of future possibilities

I made this card with her favorite colors in mind

as the only way I can send a hug from Canada to England

without it costin me a small fortune in airfair

(although that would be an amazin trip)

just know I am thinkin of you my sweet friend

I will send out this card on monday :)


  1. What a marvelous card! That is a def. tribute hug. I'm sure that she'll be thrilled to get it.

  2. awww super cute card V :-)
    she will love it!!

  3. Fab card I'm sure she'll feel your hug thanks for sharing Julye

  4. wow, this is so beautiful.. great job!

  5. gorgeous!! Love the soft muted colours!! Hugs Juls

  6. Hey V great card and you really are a sweetheart you know that. Btw Happy Birthday and lots of love to you .


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love