Tuesday, February 23, 2010

winner winner chicken dinner!!!

wow...186 entries!!!

True Random Number Generator

Min: 1
Max: 186
Powered by RANDOM

which is Leah the Orange!!!

congrads!!! send me your addy to dvnz@mts.net so I can send out your bling :)))

thank you all for entering but more importantly for commenting often on what you see here...it makes me wanna craft more...and better!!!


  1. congrats Leah , enjoy your candy,Julye

  2. oh, WOW!!
    so my hump day is off to a great start! THANK YOU, V! :)

    they say that hump day is the maker or breaker of the week, right? well then the rest of my week's going to rock. now if i can just get the fellas out of the house so i can get my craft on....

  3. Congrats Leah! Have fun with your goodies!


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love