Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I DID IT...the leanin tower of paper :)

LOL it doesn't really lean...just looks like it in the pic
the brown paper holders have my christmas patterned paper
I organized the patterned paper by color groups, sets are in the 2 top shelves, then blues/greens, pinks/red/orange, then the first big drawer has white, black, grey, browns & yellows. The last drawer is cardstock, & the other 2 are cardstock was kinda fun!

My paper is organized!
It actually didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would.
I's a happy girl :)
thanks for coming by


  1. WOW GIRL!! You MUST feel so good!!! You have been hard at it and your scrap basement appears so inviting and FUN!!!! Great job Vanessa~~~Happy Crafting!! You are inspiring me to get better organized LOL

  2. well done, V'ness! but i wish you ALL the luck in the world keeping it that way! ;) it does look great!

  3. Wow! You really do have the Spring Cleaning Bug!

    That is fanatastic that you got so much more done!

  4. lookin' good!!

    awww man .. I am soo jealous you got this all done .. I have not been back in my room for weeks - YIKES!!! I shall get something in there done this w/e =)


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love