Wednesday, April 14, 2010

whiff of joy

has a color challenge this week green, yellow & one other color
well we all know my other color will be black :)

I LOVE this new WOJ image...she is gorgeous!!!
I used some glimmer mists I bought on my trip to Edmonton last year...funny how crafts can bring you back...I thought of my sweet friends T&T the entire time I made this card...luv ya girls

I never would have used these colors but I really love how it turned out
If you girls get a chance, color challenge yourself & join in the WOJ fun!!!
thanks for comin by


  1. Way to go Vanessa!! Love your card! You were so lucky to get to meet Tammy and she was LUCKY to get to meet you too! :)

  2. Gorgeous card and fab colours :)
    Hugs, Marlene x

  3. I love, love love the colors and how you put the card together. The image is just soooo sweet! Great job!

  4. this is HOT, V'ness! i have some of those images i need to play with soon, and your easel card is YUMMY in these colours!

  5. WOW! I love this card, Vanessa! The colours are fabulous and Willow looks stunning...gorgeous colour! Love the bling too!
    Thanks so much for playing al ong with us at WOJ Challenges this week!

  6. Great card V .., loving the colors ..

    It was a fab visit when you were here =)

  7. This is one of my favorite stamps. Just darling. Thank you for joining us at Whiff of Joy Challenges this week!

  8. wow this is gorgeous!!! Love the colours and all the bling!! fantastic card! Hugs Juls

  9. WOW!!!This card is so sparkle!!! I love all the bling and the original color combo!!! Thanks for joining us at Whiff of Joy challenge.


  10. Oh WOW what a fantastic card! I love this cutie pie Willow too! She's one of my favorites! :) LOVE how you have added all the bling to your card! Thanks for joining us this week at the WOJ Challenge!
    Hugs~ Kim

  11. This is a gorgeous card Hun,
    love the bling detail that you have added.
    hugs Rachxx

  12. A gorgeous Easel card Vanessa, the papers are fab and I love all the bling!
    Have a great weekend!
    Debbie x

  13. Stunning card you made our color challenge look easy, thanks for joining us at WOJ

  14. Stunning card, I love the layout you have used!

    Siobhan xxx

  15. What a great image ...the card is awesome...hey I just bought some new glimmer mist...let me know if you need me to hook you up...yep you are right not a combo I would go for but wow you make it look amazing...I am going to challeng myself as you suggested..thanks V


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love