Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My sweet baby boy is 9!!!

I seriously can not believe 9 years have past since my little star was born.
this is my scrapped page from years ago.
I looked at it last nite & it put some of my sadness in check.
the power of memories is amazing.
As I felt Nick's baby blanket along the side of this page, I surely counted my blessings.
The beginning...my happy...beautiful dream

and look at the MASSIVE LITTLE MAN he has become!!!

I still look at him with amazement
that he is mine
made from our love.
miraculous indeed!

and here are my neices & nephews at the party just havin fun :)

I was so happy to see my oldest 2 neices smiling & laughin.
They are the one's who lost their aunt and I do believe they had more than just fun.
They understood we stand strong together...always...no matter what happens!
we hugged tight...filling eachother with one another's love.

I want you all to know my family & I
have been overwhelmed with the
love, support & friendship
extended by so many.
WOW is all I can say
you crafters are some special peeps :)
you have helped my sisterinlaw and brotherinlaw
and our families
face these, most difficult times
for that I am eternally grateful
please hug yourselves (real tight) from me
xo v'ness


  1. It is good to know that your family are keeping each other strong at this sad time and that you are all there for each other and still able to count your blessings.

  2. Hi chick happy birthday to your special prince....its amazing what some have to go through to be blessed with the miracle of birth... I am with you on this 1. Hope your son has a fabulous day, I hope you all do cus you all certainly need. Stay clinging on to each other hun cus families are more inportant than anything you will all help each other get through your hard times & when the path gets rocky along the way look at your miracle & he will help to clear the rubble. Life is so precious. Sorry for rambling shug you know what I'm like. Take care hunni.

    lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

  3. 9 years old eh? I guess he's a tween now! It's amazing how fast little ones grow up!
    I'm glad to see you and your family managed to have some big smiles!
    Hugs and Love!

  4. So big so fast! Happy Birthday Nick! I'm glad you could gather and smile together...and love each other! Merry Christmas!!

  5. Hello Vanessa. Happy Birthday Nick!
    I am so glad that you have a happy moment to celebrate amist the rest of your sad news.

    Sending my condolences feels so weak but know that they come with a long and hard hug.

    WE send you our love and prayers for the babies and mothers lost to your family.

    Love from : Jen & Scott Abel

  6. Love the pictures Vanessa looks like you had a fab time!!!

    Happy Birthday to Nick hope he had a great birthday bash and loads of pressies!!!!

    Lot's of love to you all Chanelle xxxx

  7. Happy belated BDAY Nick!!!!

    Everyone looks soo happy =)

    Love your LO!!


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love