Friday, February 25, 2011

SPS favorite stamp :)

Well it was a tough choice between
my all time favorite & my new fav stamp :)
since I recently made this card with my all time fav

I thought I'd make somethin else with my favorite from the newer stamps :)
no card this time.
I wanted to make something from a prima flower lid :)

that I could look at as I craft.

hope you like it & get a chance to show us your favorite!!!


  1. Wow these are both stunning thanks for sharing.

  2. STUNNING CREATIONS!!! both so diffferent but both utterly amazing!! Hugs Juls

  3. Do you know hun its no wonder you are on this DT your work is stunning I still love this white card it really is beauty at its most beautfiul. The prima tin is fabulous hun it would look so fab with sweeties in.....I'm only saying sweeties cus thats the jar that gets opened the most in my craft room lol & I would want to see this all the time.... Gorgeous hunni.

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

  4. I'm glad I wasn't the only to struggle with choosing a stamp this time :)

    The white card takes my breath everytime I see it! I spent ages on the admin blog trying to figure out how you'd made the picture - LOL feel really silly now that I know it's a Prima tin lid (would never have thought of doing that)! Both of these are stunning creations hun.

    Claire xx

  5. The white card is so beautiful) I am mad about this Fairy))) Great job)))

  6. hi nessy hunny this is such a creative post, i love looking at how you stamp as you always seem to try a different way to use rubber

    wishing you a lovely weekend my special friend

    Sarah-Louise x

  7. wow Vanessa I love the white card it's absolutely stunning so so beautiful and your altered lid on the prima flowers is beautiful very creative hugs Jill xx

  8. Really cool V..looks great..and your area is so the card by the way it is soooo beautiful..just like you :)

  9. Hi Nessa :)

    Wow at your white card - absolutely breathtaking :)

    Love what you have done with the tin too, it looks fab.



  10. OH gosh .. I LOVE IT!!! so creative .. it is wonderful!!!


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love