Thursday, March 3, 2011

the crafty purple frog "things with wings"

Amy at TCPF has some gorgeous new sheets :)
please spend some time going through them & order
they are truly stunning :)))
This week our challenge is
things with wings!
There were so many awesome choices with wings
so I picked this new one
such gorgeous details!!!

thanks for comin by
hope you get some time to enter our "winged" challenge this week


Vicky said...

Gorgeous card sweetie the image is lush & those flowers are beautiful. A stunner as always hun.

Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

angelwhispers said...

Another fabulous design Vanessa!! Such a gorgeous image and she looks so perfect sat between all these yummy flowers!! Love it Chanelle xxx

Love the new craft area as well it looks so neat!! (wonder how long for!!!)

Powerful Search Engine said...

Wow this is gorgeous I love this the colours are superb and so are those flowers you make her look gorgeous xxx Hugs Pascale xxx

kaos said...

Great card - love the many flowers framing the image - lovely!


Tammy (Scrappy and T) said...

cute card .. very spring like