Friday, April 8, 2011

SPS my hero, my mom

any & every person who knows me

knows my mom is my hero

she raised me & my sisters alone

was there for us, for me,

when no one else was.

She will always be THE most important

woman in my life.

I can only be inspired & aspire for my boys

to be half of what she has been to me.

So this week at SPS

we are honoring our mom's

and/or heros.

My mom has always loved yellow roses,

orange crush, brass figures and earthy colors.

So to honor her

here is my card

thanks for comin by

hopefully you can show us your hero!


  1. Oh my it's a wonderful card!!!

    Your lucky to have her. She and your boys (and Doug) are lucky to have you =)

  2. Oh so beautiful card for a mum, very lovely !

  3. I just love how you have combined sepia with bright colours. Its perfect.

  4. Vanessa, what a wonderful tribute to your mum and also a wonderful card. I love the colours and the shape. perfect. Best wishes, Kym xxx

  5. I agree Vanessa an amazing tribute to your mom I am sure she will adore it xxx I certainly do hunny xxx Hugs Pascale

  6. What a pretty card! I'm sure your mom will adore it :) Is the image embossed and is there some kind of a acetate on top of it?

  7. WOWWWWWWWWWWW.....this truly is stunning & shows beautifully how much your mum means to you hun. You are soooo lucky to have a mum like that, I am truly jealous. My dad my hero. Even tho he has passed away he will always be my hero. He never judged me no matter what he really was my best frien

  8. Hey Sinihilkka!
    thanks for your question!
    It is actually heat embossed with bronze embossing powder.
    The circle is some recycled plasic from packaging for some double sided foam tape I bought.
    To you other girls...Tammy you almost made me cry...thank you!
    Lau so nice o see a new face!
    My SPS teammates...thank you so much for comin by it warms my heart to have you as friends!
    Vick I am so glad you had your dad in your life...if we lived closer I would share my mom...and I am positive we would be awesome friends...hugs

  9. this is so amazing, i love the rich gold colours - so clever

    Sarah x


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love