Friday, April 22, 2011

Sweet Pea Stampers Recycle

To honor Earth Day

we at SPS decided to do our best to save the planet :)

while we craft :)))

So here is my "recycled" item.

It is a Silly Bandz containor

that I turned into a gift card holder

thanks for comin by :)

now go do your part in saving the earth :)))


  1. Just beautiful Vanessa!!! Just love the idea and what a great image and such lovely colours!! (Think I have this stamps some where will have to dig it out!!! lol)

    Have a great Easter with your family Chanelle xxx

  2. Hi sweetie now this is a clever brains cant stretch this far lol. This is just awesome hunni & I so love the colours they are fabulous.
    Hope you have a great weekend hun.

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

  3. you clever bunny ness, this is fantastic !!!

    sarah xx


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love