Sunday, May 29, 2011

gh4 card caddy 200+ cards!!!

I work as a nurse on a ward that deals primarily with medical issues
I know you are all like "what does that mean?" LOL
I will sum it up quickly
what it means is that we are a very busy place
with so many stressful situations every day.
I am the Clinical Resource...I know what does that mean? LOL
it simple means that when the staff have issues with patients, staff or procedures
I try to help them :)

However there are also so many times when my girls solve issues themselves.
They are awesome individuals who I have the pleasure to work with
and for many I have the pleasure of calling them my friends too.

We spend so much time together,
endure so many shifts without breaks
or just times when our hearts are broken
& our minds are overwhelmed.
I call them my girls/peeps
cause I think of them as family
and would not only want to protect them...try to everyday!

When I think of the little things I witness daily,
and huge things that have occurred at work
I always think of the amazing staff!
I think of all the tears,
the hugs,
the fears,
the excellence
the stress,
and the happiness
I have been lucky enough to be part of.
I think of these times and wish I had a card to pull that new girl up after a med error, after a "code blue" when the nurse knew there was something wrong but couldn't prevent it, to help that nurse that gave 100% of her day to her dying patient (including her break) and then spent 15 minutes crying to me cause she felt she should have done more.
I wish I had a card for every single time a person unintentionally hurt someone's feelings,
yelled at someone out of frustration, or hugged a patient in the hall. I wish there was a card to make sure every single person I work with feels valued, appreciated and special...cause my word that is what these people are!!!
I made this card caddy to put at the desk at work, so when others notice someone or something special, they "can" grab a card & let them know. I want to try to prevent all this "awesomeness" from going unnoticed.

hope you like it :)
thanks for comin by


  1. Oh Vanessa,thats brilliant of you!
    Hugs Heidy

  2. What a great idea from such a beautiful caring lady!! Chanelle xxx

  3. V I am in tears you are so awesome and awe inspiring..I have been MIA for awhile but girl your site never fails to pick me up and put my shit aside and realize all I have for another day are so freaking great.

  4. wow what a wonderful idea :)I love it!

  5. Oh sweetie this is just like you.....AWESOME!!!!!!!! Amazing idea & so thoughtful of caring you hun, you are fabulous!!!

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

  6. Great idea - I may have to set one up on my unit!!!!

  7. What a wonderful idea! You are a wonderful resource of thoughtfulness and caring for both your coworkers and the patients in your ward. Knowing that sometimes the simpliest thing, someone showing that they care, is what can make such a huge difference in someone's life.

    Ya done good.


    Jennifer Abel

  8. Vanessa,
    You are a special person and to ackowledge others with your cards is so sweet. I know you make others happy by doing this.

  9. what a great idea ... thank you for being you =)

  10. How sweet are you. You are truly a big hearted and special person and I bet all your co-workers and the patients really appreciate your kindness. You just made someones day brighter.


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love