Sunday, May 8, 2011

my mother's day gift (second post for today)

to myself, my mom & my mother in law :)
was an online scrapbook that I had printed into coffee table books
hope you like it too :)
check out my mixbook in my sidebar :)

I schedualled this post as I am out for breakie
with my boys & my mom & all my sisters
I am sure we are about to get kicked out of the restaurant
(LOL we are a rowdy bunch...hehe)
then I will be off to my motherinlaws

I will show you what I get from my boys later :)
I have 2 beautifully wrapped gifts
and they are SO EXCITED to give them to me
so they must be great
can't wait myself :)

hugs for all the woman in my life
to all you mom's out there
you deserve a beautiful day
hugs to all those that have great moms
and more importantly to those that no longer do
much love to you all this Mother's Day!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Mothers Day to you too V =) Hope your day was fantastic =) Love your gift idea =)


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love