Tuesday, June 21, 2011

a friend

has just released some AWESOME stamps
through Sweet Pea!!!
Congrads Teri!!!
I immediately purchased a couple images :)
cause I couldn't resist :)
I will enter this into her challenge blog :)
things that flutter

thanks so much for comin by :)
I have had a terrible headache today
but even through that I was able to bang out this card
I guess that is what a really good image does
thanks for the therapy Teri!


  1. Pure gorgeousness! Teri's images make it easy to create beautiful cards though. I love the colors and the sparkles!

  2. Stunning!! Love what you've done with this image. Thanks for joining us over at Delicious Doodles, good luck.

    Claire xx

  3. Hi sweetie its fab isnt that sweet pea are gonna do her images I'm sooooo pleased & excited for her.
    Your card is gorgeous hun I love this image she is gorgeous.
    Hope you get rid of your headache soon hunni.

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

  4. OMG what a fantastic stamp. And your colouring is no less than stunning. My gosj... have to have this stamp my self..

    Love Renate

  5. fabby!!!! Loving the torn paper!!!! Hugs Juls

  6. Hello Vanessa!

    What a super card!

    Loving it with all of those pretty soft shades!

    Thank You for joining in with our 'Things that Flutter' challenge this week at Delicious Doodles.

    Keryn :)


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love