Sunday, June 26, 2011

Hey all...not feelin great

I am suppose to be at the lake for the next 3 weeks
we are doing a lot of renos
lifting the cottage, redoing a septic & water system...etc
and well I am at home!!!
waiting for a broncoscopy tomorrow
I need them to fish out the darn broccoli I inhaled yesterday!!!
I was eating some veggies & dip at lunch time
and I have had a cough/cold for a week
while I was just finishing chewing some broccoli
I began coughing
took a huge breath in during my coughing spell
a huge breath of broccoli into my lungs :(
then I proceeded to really cough/choke
all nite long!
I have coughed so hard in the last 24 hrs
my word!!!
Of course they had no room in the OR to do my scope today
so I chose to cough at home tonite instead of at the hospital
and they will try to suck out that veggie tomorrow
I now hate healthy eating even more :)
Damn diets :)
I surely have never choked on chips :)))
Anyways I will update you tomorrow
so sorry I haven't visited your blogs
take care my friends :)


  1. Good luck with that tomorrow! Hope you feel better soon.


  2. Good luck tomorrow!! Hugs Marley

  3. Hi my sweetie oh you poor thing gosh I hope they make you feeling well tomorrow sweetie. I dont like veg & even less now they have nearly choked you my sweet friend. Take it easy hun & I hope all goes well tomorrow.

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

  4. oh my gosh V .. that's horrible .. dam broccoli anyway!!


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love