Sunday, July 31, 2011

kkkg new releases & metal

I LOVE Kenny k images!
I LOVE being on this design team!
I LOVE being at the lake with the boys :)
which is where I still am
We have been renovating the cottage & spending a ton of time & money there!!!
I will show pics when I get a chance!

The challenge at kkkg is metal bits!
check out the dt over at KKKG...WOW girls!!!
These new releases are AMAZING!!! I used the fab Scarlet West
make sure you check it out!!!

These awesome digi papers are FREE from the fab Donna

please join us if you can!!!
thanks for comin by!!!


  1. Awesome card Vanessa!
    Can't wait to see the pictures of the cottage!
    Hugs Heidy

  2. Stunning card Vanessa!


  3. Your card is gorgeous Vanessa!!!!

    gr. arjette.

  4. Vanessa this is just super the colours are just fab and loving the detail. Stunning Chanelle xxx

  5. very smokin' card =) have fun at the lake and cant wait to see the pics =)

  6. hi ya sweetheart

    love your kenny k card to bits the pink and black really rock !

    your button sweet pea makes are just amazing, your matching of papers/colours is perfect and........ your altered box for crafty purple frog is so creative and looks amazing

    hope you are having a lovely weekend

    Hugs your KK team leader x


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love