Sunday, August 14, 2011

kkkg summer sparkle

when I think of summertime bling
due to my husbands influence
I think of hot rodded cars!
So when KKKG had a summer sparkle challenge
I knew exactly what kennyK image I would use :)

thanks so much for comin by!
hope you get a chance to enter :)
fab prizes up for grabs!
Good luck
L8R :)


  1. cracking make hunny, adore all the bling on this very cool and PERFECT for the theme

    sarah xx

  2. With you there girl. This is soooo lush I love love love it!!!!!!!!!

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

  3. My word you sure blinged it up!!! Just perfect Chanelle xxx

  4. talk 'bout getting your bling on !!! awesome card =)

  5. Awesome card Vanessa!
    This is so cool!
    Hugs Heidy

  6. LOL !! your card absolutely rrrrrocks Vanessa !! i just bought the digi-stamp... haven't used it yet but will surely have a ball with it !! it's so hilarious too :)


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love