Sunday, January 29, 2012

a day together craftin

the boys & I had almost the entire day free yesterday
so right after early morning hockey practice
we headed over to Michaels
the boys said they wanted modeling clay
they were on an Angry Birds mission!!!
So they spent the day angrily makin birds :)
while I made another 150 card caddy order
for one of the wards at work.
It was an awesome day of craftin with my boys :)
here are some pics & I am gonna try to post the video
of my babies describing their birds :)

thanks for comin by!
Happy Sunday!!!


  1. Awesome angry birds and way to go Nessa!!

  2. Uhh excuse me missus - how many cards???

    Those angry birds are awesome. Super talented kids! xxx

  3. they did an awesome job on the birds =)


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love