Tuesday, January 31, 2012

hannah lynn's pirate

well I have to say
thru her etsy store I "met" the amazingly talented Hannah Lynn
I mixed up my order (typical blond moment)
and she was super nice about it all :)
Today I shot her an email lettin her know I loved coloring
this awesome pirate digi & she said it was amazing
& asked to share it on her facebook!!!
I have not been so complimented in a very long time!
Thank you Hannah
you my girl are the amazing one!!!

Thanks for comin by
may your boat be steady
and your sails always full
hope to see you soon!


  1. Wow - I'm soooo not surprised that she wanted to show it off! Absolutely stunning hun! Claire xxx

  2. Fabulous! Love the coloring and image! Just wonderful!
    Marie XX

  3. I love this card! I got my first glimpse of it this morning in my fb news feed. Way to go!


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love