Monday, January 2, 2012

our holiday

well it may be over but it was so fabulous!!!
I hope you all had a fantastic holiday season as well.
here are some pics of our last 2 weeks

***very picture heavy***

xmas morning

Doug bought himself a gift :)

the boys had an awesome time with friends

we had our usual hockey game
The Lee River Outdoor
New Years Day Classic :)

thanks so much for comin by!
hope to see you all soon!!!


  1. Happy New Year !!!!! Awesome Photos. Looks like your Family has lot's fun. Sure will miss you on the team. Wish you luck on anything you do.
    Hugs Nat

  2. Happy new year hun.

    You have snow..... sooooo jealous, all we have is wind, wind, wind and loads of rain :(

    Looks like you all had loads of fun. Hope 2012 is a good one for you and your family.

    Claire xx

  3. great pictures Vanessa. Auntie Donna

  4. I am so happy you had a good Christmas. I would like to wish you a healthy New Year, full of happiness.


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love