Friday, February 3, 2012


the last 3 mornings here in winnipeg
I have awoke to this sight
I love the crisp, clean fresh air
that always comes along with horfrost.


  1. Very pretty
    and MAN ALIVE are your boys ever getting TALL or what???!!

  2. Vanessa, oh it looks so magical with the snow - fairytale like. We are supposed to be some snow but I am hoping on hope they might be wrong as I am always terrified of falling over in the snow and I am struggling with the cold affecting "me bones" as it is. Stay safe and warm, best wishes, Kym xxx

  3. OMG! This is so beautiful!!!!! And we don't have here Snow. But i'm ok with iy. lol
    Hugs Nataliya


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love